This course introduces the student to an advanced level of GMAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442371 Gas Metal Arc Welding 2.

There are no Pre-Requisites
  • Gas Metal Arc Welding 3 (21149)
    On Site
    1/20/2025 - 5/12/2025
    Days & Times: Mon: 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM
    Dates: 1/20/2025 - 5/12/2025
    Facility: 128 Welding Lab Superior
    Instructor: Aleasha Hladilek Falter
    Days & Times: Mon: 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM
    Dates: 1/20/2025 - 5/12/2025
    Facility: Welding Lab Classroom
    Instructor: Aleasha Hladilek Falter
    Tuition: $230.45
    Status: Closed
    Seats Available: N/A
    Essential Class Information: This class is offered on site and instructor location may vary. Your instructor may teach class to ...
  • Gas Metal Arc Welding 3 (21148)
    On Site
    Rice Lake
    2/3/2025 - 2/13/2025
    Days & Times: Mon, Wed: 7:30 AM - 11:20 AM
    Dates: 2/3/2025 - 2/12/2025
    Facility: 189 Welding Rice Lake
    Instructor: Ric Eckstein
    Days & Times: Tues, Thurs: 7:30 AM - 9:50 AM
    Dates: 2/4/2025 - 2/13/2025
    Facility: 189 Welding Rice Lake
    Instructor: Ric Eckstein
    Days & Times: Mon, Wed, Thurs: 7:30 AM - 8:50 AM
    Dates: 2/4/2025 - 2/11/2025
    Facility: 177 CAD Lab Rice Lake
    Instructor: Ric Eckstein
    Days & Times: Mon, Wed: 12:00 PM - 3:50 PM
    Dates: 2/3/2025 - 2/12/2025
    Facility: 189 Welding Rice Lake
    Instructor: Ric Eckstein
    Days & Times: Tues: 12:30 PM - 4:20 PM
    Dates: 2/4/2025 - 2/11/2025
    Facility: 189 Welding Rice Lake
    Instructor: Ric Eckstein
    Days & Times: Thurs: 12:30 PM - 3:20 PM
    Dates: 2/6/2025 - 2/13/2025
    Facility: 189 Welding Rice Lake
    Instructor: Ric Eckstein
    Days & Times: Tues: 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM
    Dates: 2/4/2025 - 2/11/2025
    Facility: 177 CAD Lab Rice Lake
    Instructor: Ric Eckstein
    Days & Times: Tues: 8:30 AM - 8:50 AM
    Dates: 2/4/2025 - 2/11/2025
    Facility: 189 Welding Rice Lake
    Instructor: Ric Eckstein
    Tuition: $230.45
    Status: Closed
    Seats Available: N/A
    Essential Class Information: This class is offered on site and instructor location may vary. Your instructor may teach class to ...
  • Gas Metal Arc Welding 3 (21173)
    On Site
    2/10/2025 - 2/20/2025
    Days & Times: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs: 2:30 PM - 9:20 PM
    Facility: Ashland High School
    Instructor: Stephen Geiger
    Tuition: $230.45
    Status: Active
    Seats Available: 8
    Essential Class Information: This class is offered on site and instructor location may vary. Your instructor may teach class to ...
  • Gas Metal Arc Welding 3 (23948)
    On Site
    2/10/2025 - 2/27/2025
    Days & Times: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs: 4:00 PM - 9:50 PM
    Facility: 128 Welding Lab Superior
    Instructor: Bruce Faccio
    Tuition: $230.45
    Status: Active
    Seats Available: 7
    Essential Class Information: This class is offered on site and instructor location may vary. Your instructor may teach class to ...

Related Courses

  • Welding Fabrication/Production (WBL) Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #31442325

    This course introduces the student to the basics of metal fabrication including the use of layout tools and principles, and blueprint interpretation. Also, weldment fit-up, tacking, distortion, and flame straightening are covered. The use of shears, drilling, taping, painting, and CNC cutting equipment for fabrication purposes is also covered. PREREQUISITES: 31442321 Print Reading - Welding Trades, 31442370 Gas Metal Arc Welding 1, 31442373 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 1, 31442374 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2, 31442376 Oxyfuel & Arc Cutting Processes, and COREQUISITE: 31442375 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 3.

    Ashland, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Machine Shop Theory 2 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32420307

    This course is a continuation of Machine Shop Theory 1. This lecture-based course will use lecture, group work, and individual projects to introduce you to surface grinding, CNC theory, application, programming, and inspection procedures. PREREQUISITE: 32420306 Machine Shop Theory 1.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Basic Machine Shop Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #32420314

    This lab-based course will provide instruction in shop safety, measuring, print reading, and basic setup and operation of saws, mills, and lathes.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Print Reading for Machine Trades Undergraduate | 1 Credit

    CATALOG #32420321

    This course will cover the basic principles of print reading. The emphasis is on interpreting standard lines and symbols in single- and multiple-view working drawings. Topics include print reading procedures, drawing changes, machining specifications, and the reading of prints in specialized areas including ANSI and ISO standards. Strongly recommend a basic understanding of mathematics concepts.


    Spring 2025

  • Machine Tool Theory 2 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32420330

    This course will cover principles of machine tool theory emphasizing conventional and CNC machining operations.There will be in-depth training on the engine lathe, milling machines, CNC programming and operation, grinding machines, and metallurgy.The capability and safe use of machine tools will be stressed.


    Spring 2025

  • Applied Machine Tooling 4 Undergraduate | 4 Credits

    CATALOG #32420337

    This lab-based course further develops students' skills in CNC vertical mill and CNC lathe setup, operation, and programming. Students will set up increasingly complex projects on both the CNC lathe and CNC vertical mill. Students will learn how to troubleshoot CNC setups, programs, and tooling variations. Students will also troubleshoot and run their own programs created in Machine Shop Theory 2 and Mastercam. Finally, students will complete surface grinding projects. COREQUISITES: 32420307 Machine Shop Theory 2 and 32420336 Applied Machine Tooling 3.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Mastercam Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32420339

    This introductory course prepares students for using Computer-Aided Machining (CAM) software to create CNC machining programs. This CAM instruction utilizes Mastercam software that is capable of creating 2D and 3D wire drawings, from which toolpaths to machine part features can be generated. Students will complete a variety of exercises before working on 2D machining projects. Students will create complete CNC process projects including drawings, toolpaths, CNC code, and all setup sheets and diagrams. These projects will be shop ready for machining. PREREQUISITE: 32420338 CAD Basics.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • CNC Fundamentals Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32420365

    This course introduces the student to the development and editing of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programs. The basic elements of CNC machine setup and operation are covered for the production of acceptable parts. Safety concerns are also addressed. Strongly recommend a basic understanding of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.


    Spring 2025

  • Toolmaking Theory Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32420391

    This course provides the classroom instruction that supports shop activities in semester four of the Machine Tooling Technics program. It is a lecture course that addresses the technology of various types of plastic injection mold dies. Major emphasis will be placed on the theory, design, and building of plastic injection molds. Small group activities will be utilized to enhance student learning.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Welding for Mechanics Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32442307

    Instruction in safe setup and operation of plasma cutting (PAC), oxy-fuel cutting (OFC), SMAW (Stick), GMAW (Mig), FCAW, and/or GTAW (Tig) welding in applications related to general industry practices. Selection of appropriate welding processes with a specific emphasis on typical repair situations including metal identification will be stressed.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Packaging Machine Rebuilding Undergraduate | 5 Credits

    CATALOG #32454343

    The student will learn to plan, organize, and perform various tasks for the repair of packaging machines. Individuals and groups will disassemble mechanical components on packaging equipment simulating the work environment. Rebuilding and repairing machines gives students the opportunity to develop mechanical skill and see the potential problems that may require maintenance on packaging machinery. PREREQUISITE: 32454347 Electromechanical Componentry

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Packaging Systems Equipment Control Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #32454345

    This course gives the students the opportunity to perform the selection, design, installation, and operation of control systems found on automated packaging machines. The student will work with many types of components to gain recognition and skill development in the correct installation of electrical control systems. The modern control system requires specialized skills that are useful for understanding high technology applications such as robotics and climate control. PREREQUISITES: 32414335 DC Electricity.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Troubleshooting Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32454348

    The learner will develop the skills necessary for troubleshooting by analyzing the process of problem solving. You will perform troubleshooting procedures on components, machines, and systems. You will learn to think critically as an individual and as a member of a team. Prior knowledge of machine controls is required. PREREQUISITE: 32454347 Electromechanical Componentry.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Installation of Packaging Machines Undergraduate | 5 Credits

    CATALOG #32454349

    The learner will develop skills necessary to plan, install, and perform system checkouts. You will develop a schedule to simulate a machine installation, provide operator training, and develop a team approach to the installation. A variety of packaging machines will be used for the installation projects. A successful installation requires proper planning, teamwork, and the ability to analyze the machine’s performance. PREREQUISITE: 32454347 Electromechanical Componentry.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Power Transmission Componentry Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32454357

    The learner will develop skills necessary to install, maintain, and repair mechanical drive system components. The learner will use machine components to develop skills for installing and repairing defective mechanical drive systems. The correct installation and maintenance is required for trouble-free operation. COREQUISITE: 32454345 Packaging Systems Equipment and Control.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Packaging Materials/Processes Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32454359

    You will learn about glass, metal, paper and plastic materials that are used in the packaging industry. Each material has special properties that provide benefits for packaging various products. You will learn about the processes that are used to create these materials as they are used in the packaging industry. PREREQUISITE: 32454347 Electromechanical Componentry.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Industrial Safety Undergraduate | 1 Credit

    CATALOG #32462317

    This course is designed to introduce the student to safety topics required by OSHA for general industries. Safety committees and their function in the workplace will also be discussed. The history of OSHA and the role it plays in industry, along with the roles of all workers and employers toward safety, will be the focus of this course.


    Spring 2025

  • Welding Continuing Education

    CATALOG #47442406

    This course will include oxy-fuel, shielded metal arc, gas metal arc, and gas tungsten arc welding processes. Class is designed for the beginner and individuals looking to advance present welding skills. No projects accepted without prior approval of instructor. Bring notebook, pliers, safety glasses and welding goggles/helmet to class.

    Ashland, Rice Lake

    Spring 2025

  • Gas Metal Arc Welding 2 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #31442371

    This course introduces the student to the next level of GMAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442370 Gas Metal Arc Welding 1.

    Ashland, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding 1 Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #31442373

    This course introduces the student to the basics of SMAW welding. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized when welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard welding techniques.


    Spring 2025

  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #31442374

    This course introduces the student to the next level of SMAW welding. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized when welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard welding techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442373 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 1.


    Spring 2025

  • Shielded Metal Arc Welding 3 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #31442375

    This course introduces the student to an advanced level of SMAW welding. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in SMAW welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard welding techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442374 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2.

    Ashland, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Flux Cored Arc Welding 1 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #31442377

    This course introduces the student to the basics of FCAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques.

    Ashland, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Flux Cored Arc Welding 2 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #31442378

    This course introduces the student to the next level of FCAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442377 Flux Cored Arc Welding 1.

    Ashland, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 1 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #31442379

    This course introduces the student to the basics of GTAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442380 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2.


    Spring 2025

  • Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #31442380

    This course introduces the student to the next level of GTAW welding operations. It includes the study of the type of metals and equipment utilized in welding. The instruction emphasizes accepted applications in butting and joining metals utilizing the standard industry techniques. COREQUISITE: 31442379 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 1.

    Ashland, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Applied Machine Tooling 3 Undergraduate | 4 Credits

    CATALOG #32420336

    Students will further build their skills in machining and develop confidence in their ability to produce good workpieces. Students will continue to use the tools and procedures introduced in Machine Shop Theory 1. Students will also be introduced to surface grinding, coordinate measuring machine inspection, optical comparator, and CNC programming, setup, and machining. PREREQUISITES: 32420306 Machine Shop Theory 1 and 32420309 Applied Machine Tooling 2.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • Motion Controls Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32454364

    The student will learn the application of motion controllers used in industry that accurately control position or speed. The student will select the correct motion controller from application requirements as used in industry. Performance will include the installation, connection, configuring, and troubleshooting of basic motion controllers. PREREQUISITE: 32454347 Electromechanical Componentry and 32414380 Advanced PLC.

    New Richmond

    Spring 2025

  • CNC Programming - Turning Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32420312

    Students will learn about program structure (startup, work, shutdown), and basic G-codes including variations caused by machine type and programmer style. They will write simple programs and edit prewritten programs in order to hone their skill. The goal will be to start out simple and move to programs that are both efficient and effective. PREREQUISITE: 32420365 CNC Fundamentals or consent of instructor.


    Spring 2025

  • CNC Turning Operations Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32420313

    CNC turning centers produce many of the cylindrical shapes machined in production machine shops today. This course will include machine/control familiarization, machine startup procedures, program transfers, work holding preparation, tooling preparation, setting tooling offsets, and part origins. In addition, students learn how to run the first part including dry runs and making minor tool offset adjustments. PREREQUISITE: 32420365 CNC Fundamentals or consent of instructor.


    Spring 2025

  • Transition to Trainer: Your Role as a Journey Worker Continuing Education

    CATALOG #47455455

    You will explore the skills that are necessary to be an effective trainer, discover how to deliver hands-on training, and examine the process for giving useful feedback. During the workshop you will build a Training Toolkit to take back to your work on the job.

    Rice Lake

    Spring 2025

  • Machine Tool Operation 1 Undergraduate | 4 Credits

    CATALOG #32420325

    Students will be assigned introductory, specifically designed projects that will be machined using the engine lathe, milling machine, drill press, and various saws. Students will be in a job-like setting. The capability and safe use of machine tools will be stressed.


    Spring 2025

  • Machine Tool Operation 2 Undergraduate | 4 Credits

    CATALOG #32420326

    Students will be assigned basic, specifically designed projects that will be machined using the engine lathe, milling machine, drill press, and various saws. Students will also machine parts on conversationally-programmed CNC lathes and vertical mills. Students will be in a job-like setting. The capability and safe use of machine tools will be stressed. COREQUISITE: 32420325 Machine Tool Operation 1.

    Ashland, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Machine Tool Theory 1 Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32420329

    This course will cover the basic principles of machine tool theory. The course will emphasize safety in the machine shop, measurement, metal cutting technology, basic lathe and mill operations, drilling machines, saws, layout procedures, and an introduction to CNC machining. The capability and safe use of machine tools will be stressed.


    Spring 2025

  • Machine Tool Operation 3 Undergraduate | 4 Credits

    CATALOG #32420327

    A continuation of Machine Tool Operation featuring advanced operations on milling machines, grinders, lathes, and drill presses. CNC operation and programming on a vertical mill and a turning center are introduced. Also included are machine maintenance and precision measurement. The capability and safe use of machine tools will be stressed. PREREQUISITE: 32420326 Machine Tool Operation 2.


    Spring 2025

  • Machine Tool Operation 4 (WBL) Undergraduate | 4 Credits

    CATALOG #32420328

    Machine Tool Operation 4 features advanced operations on milling machines, grinders, lathes, and drill presses. CNC programming and operation on vertical mills and turning centers will be emphasized. The capability and safe use of machine tools will be stressed. COREQUISITE: 32420327 Machine Tool Operation 3.


    Spring 2025

  • Multiaxis Programming and Operations Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #32420364

    This course will provide the students the opportunity to program, set-up and operate 4th and 5th axis vertical CNC Milling Centers.


    Spring 2025

  • Production Machining 1 Undergraduate | 4 Credits

    CATALOG #32420318

    This course is intended to develop the advanced skills and knowledge needed for entry into a production machining environment. The student machinist will use knowledge and skills developed in previous study to solve production machining problems. Emphasis will be placed on machine elements and prototype development and testing. PREREQUISITES: 32420330 Machine Tool Theory 2 and 32420328 Machine Tool Operation 4 (WBL)


    Spring 2025

  • Machine Tool Operation Continuing Education

    CATALOG #47420409

    This course is intended to provide training on machine tool equipment at the beginning and intermediate levels. Opportunities to work and learn safe machine tool operation will be provided for persons working in, or interested in the machine trades. Students will work independently on selected vocational objectives with the assistance of an instructor.

    Ashland, Superior

    Spring 2025

Subject Image
Manufacturing, Technology & Engineering
Catalog #31442372