This course is designed to provide students with an enterprise view of the .NET development environment. The course will use Visual Studio development environment to create fully functional websites using ASP.NET and C#. Multiple techniques will be used for database access. Students will start with web forms and move into the MVC model for development. PREREQUISITE: 10152117 Advanced .NET Programming.

Advanced .NET Programming
  • Enterprise Programming in .NET (21797)
    New Richmond
    1/20/2025 - 5/12/2025
    Days & Times: Mon: 8:00 AM - 11:20 AM
    Dates: 1/20/2025 - 5/12/2025
    Facility: 1203 IT Web Lab New Rich
    Instructor: Andrew Bangsberg
    Days & Times: Mon: 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM
    Dates: 1/20/2025 - 5/12/2025
    Facility: Flexible Online Class Hours
    Instructor: Andrew Bangsberg
    Tuition: $482.60
    Status: Closed
    Seats Available: N/A
    Essential Class Information: In addition to regularly scheduled onsite classroom hours, this class may require time online or onl ...
  • Enterprise Programming in .NET (21799)
    1/20/2025 - 5/16/2025
    Days & Times: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri: 7:00 AM - 7:30 AM
    Facility: ONLINE
    Instructor: Andrew Bangsberg
    Tuition: $482.60
    Status: Closed
    Seats Available: N/A
    Essential Class Information: Online course delivery requires you have access to a computer and reliable internet to receive instr ...

Related Courses

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    In this course the Linux operating system is examined in-depth with emphasis on features, capabilities, tools, and configurations including an introduction to network configurations. PREREQUISITE: 10154149 Windows Operating Systems

    Ashland, New Richmond, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Information Security Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10150102

    This course will cover hardware, software, and the physical environment related to IT security. The processes of defense, prevention, detection, and response will be studied. Typical types of attacks will be studied and potential solutions or defenses will be explored. Networking and operating system experience is required along with a code of ethics. This course covers topics related to the CompTIA Security+ exam. PREREQUISITE: 10154103 Linux Operating Systems.

    Offered Collegewide

    Fall 2025

  • Web Design and Development Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152101

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    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025, Spring 2025

  • Database Concepts and SQL Undergraduate | 3 Credits

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    New Richmond, Online, Rice Lake

    Fall 2025, Spring 2025

  • Java Programming - Beginning Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152106

    Beginning Java familiarizes the student with the fundamentals of the Java language including data types, operators, expressions, and conditional statements. Students learn how to set up an environment for developing Java web programs, define classes and utilize class objects. Students explore object-oriented programming concepts including encapsulation and abstraction. Other topics include string manipulation, Collections, Array Lists, Exception Handling, and creating professional looking end-user interfaces. This course covers software architectural patterns, such as model-view-controller (MVC). Students also learn to communicate with a database. PREREQUISITE: 10152135 Program Logic and COREQUISITE: 10152101 Web Design and Development

    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025, Spring 2025

  • Programming in SQL Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152110

    This course covers using Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio to design and create databases, tables, views, functions and stored procedures. Students will learn to script all creation and modification of tables, views, and stored procedures. Students will also explore how to encrypt data and best practices working with SQL Server. PREREQUISITE: 10152100 Database Concepts and SQL.

    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025, Spring 2025

  • Advanced Website Development Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152102

    Students gain hands-on experience with the design and implementation of dynamic websites. Topics include JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, and APIs with which students thoroughly explore event-driven techniques, data storage, accessing the DOM, and JSON. Students use media queries, CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid to create responsive websites that are easily viewable across a wide range of devices. Students deploy a website to a web server using FTP. PREREQUISITE: 10152101 Web Design and Development and 10152135 Program Logic.

    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025, Spring 2025

  • Systems Analysis and Design Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152111

    This course covers the introduction to principles and techniques for analyzing and building requirements for a software solution. Included will be the definition of the problem, fact gathering, and evaluation of alternative solutions. A majority of the course will focus on understanding the importance of finding and documenting the business requirements for a project. Students will also work with various design and project management software tools. NOTE: This course should be taken in the fall semester, prior to the final spring semester. This course will be used to build the requirements for the final capstone project that will be completed in 10152113 Applications Development. PREREQUISITE: 10152117 Advanced .NET Programming

    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025

  • Server-Side Web Development Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152112

    This course will familiarize the student with techniques to create Server Side processing for building fully functional Web applications. Topics covered include the use of Server Side Scripting, functions, sessions, GET, POST and session management. Students will work with PHP and MariaDB and will learn the fundamental programming concepts to build interactive databased web applications. PREREQUISITE: 10152117 Advanced .NET Programming and 10152102 Advanced Website Development COREQUISITE: 10152110 Programming in SQL

    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025

  • Java Programming - Advanced Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152107

    Advanced Java provides an in-depth look at advanced features of the Java language. With a solid grasp of Java language basics, students explore more object-oriented concepts, practice their database communication skills, and take a deeper dive into connection pools. Students develop Java applications for the web using Java Server Pages (JSP), and Servlets. Topics include JSPs, Servlets, session management, Expression Language (EL), JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), and JavaBeans. Students develop applications that communicate with a database. PREREQUISITE: 10152106 Java Programming – Beginning COREQUISITE: 10152102 Advanced Website Development

    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025

  • Applications Development Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152113

    The purpose of this capstone course is to provide the student with experience developing applications in a business environment. Students apply analysis, design, database, and programming techniques to develop a fully functional software application. The project progresses through all the stages of the development process including planning, analysis, design, construction, and testing. The project will be built using the design the student created in the Systems Analysis and Design course. During the construction of the project, the student will demonstrate the skills they have learned in their prior courses and will use industry standard tools and frameworks to design, build and document the progress of their project. PREREQUISITES: 10152107 Java Programming - Advanced and 10152111 Systems Analysis and Design and COREQUISITE: 10152118 Enterprise Programming in .NET.

    New Richmond, Online

    Spring 2025

  • Enterprise Java Programming Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152108

    The third course in the Java sequence continues exploring advanced Java topics within a Java web development platform. Students hone their skills in JSPs, Servlets, session management, Expression Language (EL), JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), and JavaBeans. New concepts include, application security, listeners, filters, encryption, as well as, working with HTTP requests and responses headers. Students continue to develop applications that communicate with a database. PREREQUISITE: 10152107 Java Programming - Advanced.

    New Richmond, Online

    Spring 2025

  • Cisco CCNA 1 Introduction to Networks Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10150111

    Cisco CCNA 1 Introduction to Networks (ITN) covers networking architecture, structure, and functions. The course introduces IPv4 and IPv6 addressing structure and design, the fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations, the OSI and TCP/IP models and associated protocols to set a strong networking foundation. Wireshark is used to examine protocols on the network. Students configure and troubleshoot routers (IOS), switches and clients for a basic network.

    Offered Collegewide

    Fall 2025

  • Cisco CCNA 3 Enterprise Networking, Security and Automation Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10150112

    The CCNA 3 v7 curriculum describes the architectures and considerations related to designing, securing, operating, and troubleshooting enterprise networks. Students gain skills to configure and troubleshoot OSPF, Access control lists, Network address translation (NAT), WAN technologies, quality of service (QoS), cyber security threats, mechanisms used for secure remote access (VPN), software-defined networking, virtualization, network management and network automation concepts (APIs) that support the digitalization of networks. PREREQUISITE: 10150113 Cisco CCNA 2 Routing and Switching Essentials

    Offered Collegewide

    Fall 2025

  • Server Administration 1 Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10150117

    This course provides students with the fundamental technologies needed to administer a Windows domain. Students will learn how to manage domain resources including users, workstations, servers and shared folders using Active Directory, role management, Server Manager and RSAT. Students will learn how to secure these domain resources using Group Policy, NTFS and file share permissions. Students will also learn how to use the Domain Naming System (DNS), an integral part of Windows domain environments. PREREQUISITE: 10154149 Windows Operating Systems.

    Offered Collegewide

    Spring 2025

  • Server Administration 2 Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10150118

    This course introduces students to some of the most important server roles for systems administrators. These roles will include DHCP, storage, and Hyper-V virtualization. Students will learn how to manage IP addresses on a network. They will learn how to create and secure file and block level storage. They will also learn how to create, manage and network virtual machines in a secure environment. PREREQUISITE: 10154149 Windows Operating Systems.

    Ashland, Online, Rice Lake

    Fall 2025

  • Cisco CCNA 2 Routing and Switching Essentials Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10150113

    Cisco CCNA 2 Routing and Switching Essentials (RSE) covers the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in a small network. Students learn how to configure, device management, switch ports, security, VLANs, Static and Dynamic routing, DHCP (v4 and v6), NAT and ACLs on routers and switches. At the completion of this course student may achieve a discount voucher for the CCENT certification exam. PREREQUISITE: 10150111 Cisco CCNA 1 Introduction to Networks.

    Offered Collegewide

    Spring 2025

  • Wireless Networking & Security Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10150109

    Description: In this course students will study the fundamentals of radio frequency (RF) and 802.11 technologies. They will be installing configuring, monitoring, securing and troubleshooting wireless devices. These skills will be applied to autonomous systems and wireless LAN controllers (WLC) to support business requirement. Site surveys will be conducted. Testing of secured implementations, identifying rouge devices and identify wireless attacks will be studied. This course will cover materials found on the Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals (WIFUND) exam for the CCNA Wireless certification. PREREQUISITE: 10150113 Cisco CCNA 2 Routing and Switching Essentials

    New Richmond, Rice Lake, Superior

    Fall 2025

  • Program Logic Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152135

    In Program Logic, students learn to develop clear consistent strategies to create computer-programming solutions. Students analyze problems, review requirements, develop test plans, and then create solutions. Students learn to focus on understanding the logic behind each solution. Students also learn the proper use data types, variables and variable scope, as well as, methods, decision structures and repetition structures. Although this course emphasizes programming logic, students develop working computer programs.

    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025, Spring 2025

  • Web Tools of the Trade Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #10152116

    In Web Tools of the Trade, students explore modern JavaScript and ways to make use of third-party web tools, libraries, and APIs. Besides working with web tools, students will also explore current events and hot topics in technology. PREREQUISITE: 10152102 Advanced Website Development

    New Richmond, Online

    Spring 2025

  • Beginning .NET Programming Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152115

    Introduction to the concepts and techniques of programming in the .NET environment using the C# language. Topics covered include requirement analysis, program design, coding, and debugging. The majority of projects will be Windows form applications. COREQUISITE: 10152135 Program Logic.

    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025, Spring 2025

  • Advanced .NET Programming Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152117

    This course provides the student with an object-oriented view of the .NET development environment using C#. Topics include Lists, Classes, Debugging, Error Handling, Data Access connecting to an SQL server, and designing clean readable code. Windows Forms will be used for the majority of applications. PREREQUISITE: 10152115 Beginning .NET Programming and 10152135 Program Logic.

    New Richmond, Online

    Spring 2025

  • Development in Emerging Technologies Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10152119

    This course focuses on developing applications that perform well on mobile devices. Students learn best practices for programming, testing, and deploying mobile applications. Students use device emulators for coding and testing mobile applications. Students effectively use layouts, themes, menus, and preferences to produce professional looking mobile applications. Students create applications that communicating with a SQLite database. PREREQUISITES: 10152102 Advanced Website Development, 10152115 Beginning .NET Programming, and COREQUISITE: 10152107 Java Programming - Advanced.

    New Richmond, Online

    Fall 2025

  • IT Essentials and Security Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #10150139

    The IT Essentials and Security (ITES) course introduces students to the fundamentals of computer hardware and software, mobile devices, security and networking concepts, and the responsibilities of an IT professional. The latest release includes mobile devices, Linux, and client side virtualization, as well as expanded information about Microsoft Windows operating systems, security, networking, and troubleshooting. This course covers materials on the CompTia A+ certification exam.

    Offered Collegewide

    Fall 2025

  • Windows Operating Systems Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10154149

    A review of the most common command line operations and study of more advanced commands necessary to configure the Windows operating system for a variety of environments. Topics to be studied include creating directories, batch files, menus, custom configurations, file management, multitasking, windowing, security, and disk management utilities. There will be an introduction to usage, configuration, and tools of the Windows operating system.

    Offered Collegewide

    Fall 2025

  • Ethical Hacking Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10154144

    Ethical hacking students will scan, test and secure their own systems. Students in the lab environment will apply practical experience to implement essential security for systems. Studies will include how perimeter defenses are applied to their own networks. The processes of escalating privileges, Intrusion Detection, Policy Creation, Social Engineering, DDoS Attacks, Buffer Overflows and Virus will be studied from an ethical and defense point of view to help secure resources in the information technology. PREREQUISITES: 10150117 Server Administration 1 and 10154103 Linux Operating Systems.

    Ashland, Online, Rice Lake

    Spring 2025

  • Database Administration Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10154145

    This course covers basic concepts of database administration including setting up and securing users, tuning operations, database security, and backups. This course also covers web server administration and web site deployment as well as basics of SharePoint administration. PREREQUISITES: 10150117 Server Administration 1 and 10152100 Database Concepts and SQL.

    Ashland, Online, Rice Lake

    Spring 2025

  • Cloud Computing Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10154146

    This course will examine how storage and virtualization technologies are making possible the enormous rise of cloud computing. The course will look at the impact that cloud computing is having on traditional datacenters. It will also discuss security and disaster recovery from a cloud computing perspective. PREREQUISITE: 10154141 VMware Certified Professional.

    Ashland, Online, Rice Lake

    Spring 2025

  • Capstone Project Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #10154147

    This course is the capstone work-based experience for the IT - Systems Administration Specialist program. Learners will design, develop, and perform a project either in an actual work experience or a simulated project. The project will be designed to utilize skills typical of a graduate in the field. Weekly simulated timesheets, job progress reports, and oral reports to management will be used to track project progress. Successful completion will require project documentation. PREREQUISITES: 10154141 VMware Certified Professional, 10150118 Server Administration 2, 10154103 Linux Operating Systems and 10154165 Introduction to System Center and COREQUISITE: 10154145 Database Administration

    Ashland, Online, Rice Lake

    Spring 2025

  • IT Field Experience Undergraduate | 1 Credit

    CATALOG #10154148

    Provides work experience in IT Field related to course work within the program. The experience should complement program courses to implement practical application of skills students obtain. By consent of instructor, a special project(s) may be substituted for the field experience. COREQUISITE: 10154147 Capstone Project

    Offered Collegewide

    Spring 2025

  • Coding with Python Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #10150170

    This course introduces Python for network engineering. It begins with basic programming topics such as variables, lists, decisions, loops and I/O. Using this knowledge the course teaches students how to automate the configuration of networking equipment. This course also introduces the “Internet of Things” (IoT) and how to use Python to program IoT devices.

    Offered Collegewide

    Fall 2025, Spring 2025

  • Introduction to System Center Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #10154165

    This course will introduce Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). Students will learn administrative procedures to set up a Configuration Manager environment, create and deploy applications and packages, manage software updates, deploy Windows operating systems, and perform basic reporting. PREREQUISITE: 10150117 Server Administration 1.

    Ashland, Online, Rice Lake

    Fall 2025

  • Introduction to PowerShell Automation Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10154166

    Scripting technologies are used to automate system management tasks and create system management utilities. Students will learn basic programming logic concepts to develop scripts. Windows PowerShell is utilized to administer and automate tasks in Microsoft network environments. PREREQUISITES: 10150117 Server Administration 1 and 10154103 Linux Operating Systems.

    Offered Collegewide

    Fall 2025

  • Firewall and VPN Management Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10151101

    Description: This course covers the configuration and management of firewall and VPN technologies. Students will be exposed to products from manufactures like: CISCO, Palo Alto, Sonic Wall and Check Point. In depth hands-on exercises are used to instruct the student in the related technologies including NAT, PAT, ACL construction, application gateways, stateful packet inspection, application layer and URL filtering. Student will configure and test VPN connection for remote access and site-to-site connections. PREREQUISITE: 10150113 Cisco CCNA 2 Routing and Switching Essentials

    New Richmond, Rice Lake, Superior

    Fall 2025

  • Digital Forensics and Incident Response Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #10151102

    Description: This course provides an overview of computer forensics. Operating system structures and file/disk structures (partitions, MBR, GPT) will be covered for Windows, Android and Linux. Imaging of dives and memory will be done using computer forensic hardware and software tools. The details of data acquisition will identify artifacts for the operating system, files system, browsers, and email. File and password recovery will be performed with data carving tools. Students will generate reports to document their activities. Tools used may include FTK, dd, Kali. PREREQUISITE: 10154103 Linux Operating Systems

    New Richmond, Rice Lake, Superior

    Fall 2025

  • Penetration Testing Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10151103

    This course will provide an overview of the tools and techniques commonly used for exposing the vulnerabilities of an organization's IT systems. Hands-on labs are used to introduce the proper selection and application of a given tool, with a focus on security techniques to prevent or mitigate such attacks. Along with this, students will explore options for documenting and reporting on the outcome of the tests to stakeholders. PREREQUISITE 10150102 Information Security

    New Richmond, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10151104

    Description: This course provides a broad overview of the tools and techniques commonly used for detecting network sourced attacks. In depth hands-on exercises are used to instruct the student in the proper selection and application of a given tool for the intended task. Also included are basic strategies for documenting and reporting on detected events. The student must demonstrate the ability to plan, design, and implement a network IDS/IPS that fulfills the security needs of a common business or organization. Tools used may include: Security Onion, firepower, Palo Alto, tcpdump, snort, barnyard, etc… PREREQUISITE 10150102 Information Security

    New Richmond, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Threat Hunting Undergraduate | 3 Credits

    CATALOG #10151105

    This course will examine different types of logs and alerts to identify issues and threats. Students will become familiar with policies, procedures, event correlation and continuous monitoring programs to help identify incidents. Network traffic will be monitored for anomalies. Tools used may include Security Onion, SIEM OSSEC, ELK, OSSIM, solar wins, Prelude, splunk. PREREQUISITE: 10150102 Information Security and COREQUISITE: 10151104 Intrusion Detection and Prevention.

    New Richmond, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

  • Networking Security Capstone Undergraduate | 2 Credits

    CATALOG #10151106

    The network security capstone project will give students exposure to configuring, designing, monitoring, and protecting a business-like environment. The instructor will give students a milestone to meet each week for the students to implement and document. The project will utilize knowledge from many different program courses to implement and secure the equipment in their pod. On completion of the project, students will be submitting their documentation for program outcome evaluation aligned with the technical skills attainment (TSA). Students will be given a rubric to meet the evaluation criteria. PREREQUISITE: 10151101 Firewall and VPN Management and COREQUISITES: 10151104 Intrusion Detection and Prevention and 10151105 Threat Hunting

    New Richmond, Rice Lake, Superior

    Spring 2025

Subject Image
Information Technology
Catalog #10152118